
Nameless poem...

Okay, I wrote this poem sometime on Saturday and I don't have a name for it. So, if you would COMMENT maybe I could have a name by the end of the month... Anyways, here it is...

(the title would go here)

Call me beserk

Everything you're seeing

Never looking inside
Seeing the tears I had to cry

Broken heart, hidden from the world
No one sees the pain I felt

Trying to mend pieces myself
I can't without Jesus's help

Dropping friends, left and right
No one can stop me, I've set my sight
Striving to be like Christ

I'll never get there, but I've got to try
Running a race, at the end I'll die
But at least God will be glorified

Well, that was it. Leave me a juicy comment about what you think!


  1. That's so cool!! I don't have a name for it now. Bummer. But it sounds like it could almost be like...a Christian rap song. Like improv. No music or anything, just straight up....rap. Does that make sense? I hope so, great poem :))
    -Jocee <3

  2. This is so awesome! But I am HORRIBLE at coming up with names... so I can't help you there. :( Great poem, though!


  3. Nice poem! Sorry. I don't know a name though. :P :P lol

  4. cool poem! I'm not good with names, so yeah. I like the meaning of the poem! But we won't die at the end, we'll live forever in Jesus. :D

  5. Beautiful! Sorry it took me so long to visit your blog, but count me as a follower now! I unfortunately can't think of a name right now either.:(

  6. You could title it that last line. 'God Will Be Glorified'. :D

    ~Jamie Joyce

  7. Nice poem Lani! I'm not good with names, I have a poem called The Poem because I don't know what to call it. But hope you get some helpful ideas! :)

  8. I really like this! You could call it "The race" or "Running in place"!

  9. Woohoo! I <3 it!
    Hmmm... as for a name...
    hmmm... i dunno...
    what about: ugh i dunno i am so bad at naming things...

  10. Uhmmm.....I stink at coming up with names. BUT if i come up with one I will let ya know! :))) I just love this blog so much!!! :)))

  11. You caould call it "God's Race" you know.. since you said that you were running a race... and that God wil be glorifyed...

    ~Lily bellefluerphotography.blogspot.com

  12. I just found your blog through Pastor Girl's Ponderings...It is so cute! I love it! I hope you come peek at mine:www.sweetteaandpumps.blogspot.com


  13. Hmmm, this is a good poem that needs a good title.. I was thinking Running In Place? :) Nice blog!

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